Rachel Zubrin 

Masters in International Development- American University 

I began my journey as a debate coach as a Peace Corps volunteer in 2017. I was immediately in awe of debate’s transformative powers on both an individual and institutional level. Through debate, my students became courageous, curious explorers of the world around them. Research was no longer a tedious chore required to get a good grade, but a resource they could use to navigate and conquer challenges. Instead of being passive participants within their community, they learned to use their voice to advocate for what they believed in. Research and preparation made them learners, and competition made them teachers. 

In 2021, I began working at Writopia Lab. Through the mentorship of Rebecca Wallace-Segall, I developed one of the world’s first globally accessible international debate tournament circuits. This tournament reached hundreds of debaters in over a dozen countries! Now, my mission is to provide these tournaments on a regular basis, so that all debaters, regardless of location, may reach their full potential!